Photography Toddler Life

Four Year Olds

Y’all four not just sounds old. It is old. Like go potty on your own old, wash your hands by yourself old, get your our (already poured) drinks out of the fridge old, get our own snacks from the pantry shelf old, kinda-sorta play & occupy yourself without the world falling apart old. And it’s crazy because half the time, in my head, they still need help, like walking &/or eating.

But as these fabulous sneak peeks from our belated birthday photo session from Kira of Blessed Reflections photography show, Lucy & Zach are big little kids now. But they’ll also always be this Momma’s babies.


Lucy loves to hug & kiss. Sometimes not so gently but were working on that. Zach’s not such the abundant affectionate one does come in close for cuddles on the couch or night kisses. Zach thought the photographer telling Lucy to kiss him was the funniest thing ever!


How she got that smile? Asking if Zach had stinky feet! (He does!)


This girl saw a bride taking portraits while we were waiting for Kira & shouted out Hello Beautiful Princess!! Lucy is princess obsessed & is happiest when her dress “touches her toes”.


My boy loves his Mommy. Demanding he sit by me always at restaurants & having me strap him in & me putting on his blankets at night.


When it comes to playing parent favorites Lucy is an equal opportunity lover. She’s happy to sit by Dad (she’s almost stopped calling us Mommy & Daddy, choosing Mom & Dad instead) but she loves to cuddle under MJ blankets with me on the couch at night too.

Motherhood Photography Toddler Life

Two Year Photos

Before I get into a fun & poignant week of birthday week posts, I didn’t want to leave out sharing a few of my
favorite photos from Lucy & Zach’s two year photo session with my lovely & talented friend Steph, the photographer behind LilyMae Photography.

Lucy & Zach 2 year

Lucy & Zach 2 year family

Lucy & Zach 2 year family B&W
Yep, this is our life ~ laughingly wrangling toddlers & doing whatever it takes to make them smile 🙂
Lucy 2 year
Lucy girl!

Zach 2 year chair

Lucy 2 year chair
Lucy’s smile {finally!} is thanks to her Daddy’s tickles!
Zach 2 year eyelashes
Eyelashes, thanks to his Daddy. 🙂 Curls I’m putting off cutting, all Mommy 🙂

Lucy & Zach were just about over photos when we changed them into their birthday outfits. But Steph & I were determined to get a few sweet shots of them together. Thanks to Annie’s fruit snacks, these were accomplished!

Lucy & Zach 2 year with mommy
So proud to call them mine & TWO!
Lucy & Zach 2 year kiss
This shot is so them ~ a mix of sweetness & side eye!

Big thanks Steph!

Family/Travel Photography Toddler Life

Pumpkin Patch {take 1}

With my parents in town last weekend, we headed to a local pumpkin patch Saturday morning. We’d had fun with tiny Z & L there last year for their first pumpkin patch experience & decided to go back.

Oh how pumpkin patch photo ops are different with running toddlers vs not-yet-sitting-up infants!

Saturday L & Z were all look at the dirt! & mud! & balls {aka pumpkins!} & trucks {driving by quickly on busy road}. And yes, we brought home 3 gourds because they wouldn’t think of putting them down!!


There was lots of wrangling & smiles, but sadly, not quite the perfect family/group pictures we’d hoped for.


Since we plan to go to VA & another patch this upcoming weekend, stay tuned for take 2 next week!

Babies Photography

Newborn Photo Session

Since it’s almost a year to the day that Nicole took these photos for us {& that the new mom Suz was too spent to post them}, I thought I’d belatedly share these here.

Lucy & Zach newborn photo session
They slept the entire 2+ hour session. My model babies were happy to snuggle each other & didn’t mind us repositioning & dressing them! {they thankfully didn’t pee/poo either!}
My poor Bell's palsy smile. I didn't realize quite how bad it was until this session. :-/
My poor Bell’s palsy smile. I didn’t realize quite how bad it was until this session. :-/
Oh my heart! They were so tiny & sweet.
Oh my heart! They were so tiny & sweet.

It’s wild & amazing to see how much they’ve grown & changed since that session!

Babies Photography

One Year Photo Session

My fabulous friend Nicole did it again. We loved the maternity photos she took of us. She was kind enough to gift us a newborn session when Zach & Lucy were just 1 week out of the NICU. {Just realized I never shared those! Post to come!}

We met at a local park the Sunday before their first birthday. It was one of the first hot, humid days we’ve had & while it was overcast, Lucy’s blue eyes didn’t love the sun {I was trying not to squint too}.

Zach & Lucy 1 year session
Zach’s outfit’s from Gymboree. Lucy’s Lilly Pulitzer dress I found on ebay. Her bloomers were a gift from my friend Emilee.

I love these shots of the four of us & of us each with Lucy & Zach. So hard to choose favorite photos!

Lucy & Zach one year family session

Lucy & Zach 1 year sessionLucy & Zach wouldn’t nurse right before we left the house, so of course, they got a little cranky & hungry. Thankfully I’d brought snacks & managed to nurse Zach in the van which brought the smiles back for him.

Z & L 1 year session
I ordered their monkey 1 birthday onesies from The Sassy Squirrel on etsy {she doesn’t know I’m posting this}.

Lucy was over it all by the time we brought out the cake. Top that with the fact that the girl doesn’t really love to get dirty, & she was a bit dramatic before we scooped her up, cleaned them both & headed home.

Lucy & Zach one year cake session

Thanks again Nicole for capturing their personalities so well for us to remember them at one year!