
Going to BlogHer part 3 {nerves?}

So I was going to save my BlogHer thoughts to last, but I’m too excited to not hi-jack my own guest post series now. I’ll probably do another pre-BlogHer post before I leave. Then you can bet I’ll have a few after I return from sunny San Diego.

It seems like there have been a lot of posts popping up this week about BlogHer. Ones like Katie‘s, Suzanne‘s, Diana‘s, Miranda‘s & Alena‘s about their nerves. I commented on all these awesome womens’ posts reassuring them that it’s all going to be fine {except for the kid-at-home parts because I got nothin’ on that}. My comments made me realize, I’m not nervous {at least not yet} & should I be?!

I don’t feel nervous about clothes & other things I’m packing. I’ve read a bunch of BlogHer advice posts (like Kate from Guavalicious Life’s on clothes & on packing, Mandy whose includes her outfit photos as well as Suzanne‘s), & checked out photos on Facebook, & blog posts from last year. I know I’m over packing, but I’d like to have options {another post of this subject to come}.

I’m not nervous about being a newbie. Morgan from the 818 made me smile last Saturday as a I read her surviving the BlogHer panic post. Lindsay from Linz Loves You had me laughing out loud with her own twist on BlogHer advice for newbies like myself {those photos got me too}. I know they’ll be lots of  newbies & BlogHer veterans alike all there to learn & meet people & have fun.

Maybe I should be nervous that Suz’s Treats is a “small potatoes blog” in comparison to so many others. But honestly, I think that makes me not nervous. I think because a lot of people will not have already heard of me/this blog, there won’t be unrealistic expectations that I will have to live up to. I can just be me. I hope that brings people here, but if not, I can honestly say I’m happy with my current readers & still typically blog for me.

I’m guessing the nerves might hit for me the week before? That night I fly in & try to find Miranda & Katie in the airport/hotel or meet my Wed night roommates for the first time? But all of that will be cured by the first glass of wine or hug or tweet from a new BlogHer11 friend or text from one of my roomies!

Over all, at this point excitement is winning over those pesky nerves. I can’t wait~ only 3 weeks to go!

16 replies on “Going to BlogHer part 3 {nerves?}”

I’m not nervous about being at the conference really. I’m just nervous in general. I think it comes from my general musings on whether or not I’m enough.

But? I’m more excited than nervous. In fact, I’m ridiculously excited. Can’t wait to meet you, roomie!

Yes, I understand that nervous & that will come. But now, the holy-crap-I’m-meeting-so-many-bloggy-favorites-so-soon excitement is still winning!!

Gosh, thank you for sharing so many great posts. I too am nervous about being “small” but whatever, ya know? I can’t help but think that there will always be someone bigger and there will always be someone who actually looks up to me! The latter keeps me going and the aforementioned makes me determined to grow and change! I am excited to just get there and see what it’s all about!

It will be so lovely to see these wonderful ladies in person!

Thanks! Come back tomorrow for Alena’s post. It’s another good one.
I agree that there’ll be all types there. I’m just going to focus on being me & meeting people & learning & having fun.
Can’t wait to meet you VOTY nominee!

I am actually really really looking forward to the actual conference parts. It helps that I have no real expectations for meeting brands or companies or getting any opportunities or free stuff. I’m just hoping to hang out with my awesome internet friends (including you!)

Me too Suzanne. I’m kinda dorkily excited about some of the sessions. I have no experience with brands/companies so I’m going in with no expectations. Can’t wait to meet you!

I am so small potatoes, so you have nothing to worry about for that. I’m super excited, and not nervous in a I would cancel way, more like nervous excitement, and just enough nerves that I don’t go in looking like I think I’m bigger than I am and piss everyone off.

Can’t wait to meet you!

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