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HALO SleepSacks {review & giveaway}

Ah fall & football are in the air! And with that I think of the cool nights & yet still gloriously warm days in NC. So while we’re still putting Lucy & Zach in cotton pjs at night, I’m afraid that’d be cool in their cribs without a SleepSack.

Yep, no blankets for them ever at home in their beds. We’re a SleepSack family. And as I mentioned in my toddler must haves post, HALO SleepSacks are our favorite. We loved the ease of the SleepSack Swaddles when they were itty bitty & have loved our HALO SleepSacks for our toddlers.

HALO SleepSack Logo

So I was thrilled when HALO recently reached out to me & my new lil walkers to see if we’d like to try & review their HALO Early Walker cotton Sleepsacks which are available in Early Walker & Big Kids in a new lightweight-knit fabric {what we now have in blue gecko & pink flower knit} as well as available in Micro-fleece and Comfort Mesh. You can find all of HALO’s SleepSacks available for purchase on; y’all know I have my eye on the owl micro-fleece one too!

At 20.8 & 23 pounds, Zach & Lucy have a lot of room to grow into their size large Early Walkers which, per the size chart fit, 22-28 pounds & ages 12-18 months. I’ve seen other reviewers note these ran big, & I don’t disagree, but I wanted them big enough for us to have room to grow into.

Zach HALO SleepSack
Yes, he’s almost always this happy!

Now that Lucy {our little bedtime sleep fighter} has learned she can easily walk & run{!!} in these SleepSacks, she gets annoyed she can’t kick out her feet if we put her in our other HALO SleepSacks. It’s funny to see her look for her toes out of our other beloved HALOs.

Lucy was feeling camera shy while modelling her SleepSack, but look at those curls she's growing!
Lucy was feeling camera shy while modelling her SleepSack, but look at those curls she’s growing!

We’ve used these Early Walker SleepSacks for a couple weeks & washes, & I have noticed the cotton shows piling pretty quickly. It is soft though & a very comfortable weigh for late summer/fall over summer pjs. I think we will be able to move into winter using these with 2 piece footless pjs too.

Suz Zach & Lucy in HALO SleepSacks
All smiles in their Early Walker SleepSacks

HALO has generously offered to give one of my awesome readers 1 HALO SleepSack Early Walker or Big Kids!

Please leave a comment letting me know your favorite HALO style/fabric or a funny/cute SleepSack story.

For an additional entry, follow me {@suzstreats} & @HALOSleepSack on twitter & tweet something like “Enter to win a @HALOSleepSack for your Early Walker or Big Kid with @suzstreats”. Comment back letting me know you tweeted.

You can also keep up with HALO on facebook & pinterest.

I’ll close the giveaway this Friday at midnight and let the winner know Saturday morning. What a way to hopefully start your weekend off right!

Best of luck!

20 replies on “HALO SleepSacks {review & giveaway}”

Interesting. We never tried anything like this since we coslept with both when they were little. But the big kid ones might be just what we need for Inara now. That child refuses to have a blanket on and I was wondering how I would keep her warm this winter. The purple one is cute.

My daughter slept in one until she was 3! I love Halo sleep sacks. My 16 month old is quickly outgrowing his current size large. I’m trying to figure out what size to buy next. The early walkers look a lot larger than the regular ones, I love the cotton for summer and fleece for colder nights.

I love the HALO SleepSack Early Walker Micro-fleece in Pink Owl. I never knew these early walkers existed but would love one – I honestly wasn’t sure how to keep her warm this winter b/c now that she’s walking she’s not a fan of the traditional sleepsack anymore. I’d love to win the Owl one, because I’d always think of you Suz when she wore it! =) Both of my girls slept in traditional Halo sleepsacks for their first years – lots of sweet memories of looking at them sleeping in their sacks thru the video monitor!!

I love halo products!! We swaddled Benjamin with their swaddle sacks for the 1st few weeks after he was born and now that it’s getting cooler outside I’m (like you) worry that he’ll get cold overnight, since blankets are a no-no at his age. We’re thinking sleep sacks are the way to go!

We never had official Halo brand sleepsacks, but my son didn’t like the ones we did have – couldn’t kick and stretch as freely (he was a LONG baby). The new big kids option is interesting. He might actually like that – freedom to move. 🙂

I used to love putting L in a sleep sack when he was a baby. He always looked so cozy, and I used them until he was well into toddlerhood. 🙂