Thirty four weeks & two days. That’s how long the babies have been out in this world as of today. That also means they’ve now been out longer than they were inside me.
That seems crazy to me. I cherished my pregnancy; almost all 34w1d of it.
Likewise, I’ve loved these past 34 weeks & 2 days of wildness & joy I couldn’t have fathom before.
As I sit wrangling snuggling sick Zach & Lucy post nursing right now, I’m so grateful for them. For them being my precious inside & outside babies.
I found my last belly photo today on my husband’s twitter account.
One I’d never seen since. 34 w1d pregnant.
And compare it to now. 34w2d postpartum Mommy, Zach & Lucy.
4 replies on “Thirty Four Weeks Two Days”
1) You look AMAZING.
2) Your children are completely adorable.
Thank you!!
Love it! Take more photos in that bathroom because the lighting is great!
Thanks! Gotta love 80s seashell lighting!!