I was hoping for last week’s success of 6 out of 7 days of photos, but my week got busy or maybe just boring & I didn’t take photos every day.
Day 176: Saturday I took the photos I used in my cost of infertility post as well as a few of Moe. The cat photos were for my photography class homework, but grey cat/dark couch meant I couldn’t get the histogram how the teacher wanted it. I did though get this great angry Moester shot. [flickr id=”5899659904″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”medium” group=”” align=”center”]
Day 177: I met Alethea for brunch, went jogging & hung out with the husband but never took a photo Sunday.
Day 178: No photo Monday.
Day 179: Tuesday I picked up Alethea & we got froyo. We sat outside & laughed & chatted. I didn’t want it to end because that meant we were saying ‘bye as she moved away Wed morning. The froyo was awesome. The goodbye sucked. [flickr id=”5899133199″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”medium” group=”” align=”center”]
Day 180: Wednesday was busy. CD10 appt then lunch with coworkers at The Big Easy, home to quickly give myself two different injections followed by my last photography class. I couldn’t decide on one photo from the night, so I’m sharing a few favorites. While on the deck, these buddies freaked me out but they were also pretty. [flickr id=”5899228721″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”medium” group=”” align=”center”]
Love these of Brandy & Dawn too. We were focusing as a class to just use manual mode then as the light went dim to try different techniques including messing with our in-camera flash. [flickr id=”5899324053″ thumbnail=”medium” overlay=”true” size=”medium” group=”” align=”center”]
Day 181: Thursday night, I did the Ovridrel shot & then the rest of the night was spent with the husband & Michael Westen {aka Burn Notice}. I didn’t take any photos, but I did happily install my new header & button designed by Becca from Jumping Jax Design. What do you think about it?!
Day 182: Friday night was my first no fertility meds day in weeks. We went out for cheap Mexican food & I was asleep by 1030. Pretty boring & photo-free, but a nice Friday night.
1 reply on “Week 25 Project 365”
That fro yo looks yummy! Love the new header… 🙂