We were given free passes to see the Aladdin screening in exchange for this post. But my opinions are all my own.

Have you heard about the new live action Aladdin remake?! It’s out in theaters today!! Perfect timing for holiday weekend movie plans.
Our screening happened to fall on Zach & Lucy’s birthday which made seeing this film all the more special for them. They have seen the original a couple times, so they were familiar with the characters, story & songs.
And speaking of songs, if you’re like me & have all the Aladdin songs memorized, you won’t be disappointed. The new film features most (if not all!) the original songs plus new ones sung by Jasmine (played by Naomi Scott). Lucy said her favorites are the new Jasmine songs about her having a voice called Speechless.
This new Aladdin mostly follows the original storyline. But there is enough subtle updates & changes to make the film more relevant to current times to keep those of us old school fans of the cartoon interested.
Zach’s favorite parts were when Aladdin & Jasmine leaped & jumped through their city of Agrabah.

And the dancing. Both kids loved the dance scenes. They even played Genie & Aladdin once we got home with Lucy moving her hands to “direct” Zach to dance.

I know it’s hard to live up to the iconic Robin Williams as Genie, but I think Will Smith was great! Zach & Lucy laughed at Genies antics.
I loved how the main characters all showed kindness & the lessons like just being yourself & not being seduced by wealth & power came through.
Check out the official trailer here! If you’re looking for an inside activity to stay cool with your kids this weekend, Zach, Lucy & I would recommend seeing Aladdin!