Babies Family/Travel Photography

First Pumpkin Patch

My parents were in town visiting this weekend. Friday afternoon a package from Jason’s sister arrived filled with adorable puff painted pumpkin onesies for the babies. Mom & I decided Saturday was the perfect afternoon to take Lucy & Zach to their first pumpkin patch.

Almost 200 photos, two discarded baby coats & a slightly sweaty Mommy later, we had a big pumpkin & two little pumpkins. And just a few photos too cute not to share.

My attempts at DSLR photos on anything but auto were not so great. And it was brighter out than I thought it’d be. Thankfully, they were great, patient babies while I snapped away.

Happy fall y’all!

2 replies on “First Pumpkin Patch”

WOW what great pictures and images from the PumpkinPatch! And what a great and wonderful website that covers a wide range of thought, ideas, heartbreak and sheer JOY! I will make it a point to review the site regularly.

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