Babies Motherhood Toddler Life

The End of Co-sleeping?

It started due to sickness. One had a bad cold/ear infection/stomach bug/something. And to prevent the other from getting it & waking up while their sibling coughed/sneezed/vomited, we bought Zach in bed with us. And it worked. Once well, L started sleeping through the night in late November/December {after some not welcomed 10-midnight wakings led to successful modified CIO sleep training}, and Zach would wake to nurse still.

So having him co-sleeping meant just rolling over when he said ‘mommy’ & tugged up my top. As I’ve said for almost two years, we do whatever works. Whatever gets us the most sleep; letting nay-sayers be darned. So what if he wasn’t “sleep trained”? We were getting by & he was getting the extra milk I thought my lil guy might need in the middle of the night.

Well a couple weeks turned into months & months. And co-sleeping became our routine. We liked the cuddles, the convenience for dream-feeding, & being close after away from him all day. We talked about transitioning him back to a crib via baby steps into a pack-n-play in our room or the guest room so they still wouldn’t wake each other. But then we didn’t. And then L was sick again, then it was Zach’s turn, then his surgery & stomach bug.

But my turn at the stomach bug last Thursday night was kinda a line in the sand. Vomiting your brains {& dinner & lunch} out then your son wanting to nurse & sleep on your pillow was rough.

When we went to GA & Jason’s parents’ house last weekend {post to come!}, we did their bedtime routine in our shared room, then put both L & Z in side by side pack-n-plays. I’ll be honest, Jason & I went to bed just after L & Z, fully expecting to be up most of the night with Z {& maybe L too} awake due to being in strange bed. And he slept til 4 before crying & us pulling him up between us!

The following night, L & Z went down to sleep fine & both lasted til 515a when the husband’s forgotten alarm had us all awake then snuggling in the queen size bed.

With those sleeping successes, we discussed trying Z out in his bed when we returned home. But I had a work conference Sunday & Monday, & I fully did not expect changes from our routine made while I was gone.

To my shock, my Dad & husband did a modified CIO with Zach that Sunday night & within 20-30 minutes of tears & fussing that first night, Zach was asleep in his crib. And even cooler, Lucy had gone & stayed asleep while Z was carrying on! When he woke up in the middle of the night, Jason did bring him into our bed to co-sleep til morning.

Monday night, Z put himself to sleep in 5-10 minutes & lasted in his crib all night. My arrival in the mix of bedtime Tuesday meant a few tears & cuddles, but he still put himself to sleep within just a few minutes & slept through the night!

Y’all this might be a bit premature, but we’re on a streak of sleep here. For everyone! It’s wild & crazy. Who knew what 8 hours of straight sleep was like?! Not this momma for more than TWO YEARS!!!

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