I’m calling it. I think my months & months (& months) of breastfeeding two then regularly one are done.
Zach hasn’t consistently nursed in months (March’s end of cosleeping/his crib sleeping & STTN ended our nightly bfing). The last couple months he’s nursed the occasional morning if he’s pulled into our bed, when he’s been home sick or one post-nap nursing session. Last Monday am was what I believe will be my last tandem feed ~ they woke up too early, husband brought them to me in bed when he left for work. And when they both asked for “Mommy?!” I obliged knowing bittersweetly this might be another end of an era. Z cracked me up fumbling a bit as of he’d kinda forgotten how & L acted as if this was a strange treat she wasn’t quite sure about. I thought about fumbling for my phone for a photo but decided to just live in the moment instead.
That evening L nursed on each side for less than a minute before asking for cuddles & bed. Same thing Tuesday, 1 min per side, quick sippy then bed.
No nursing from L for the past week. And this Tuesday night (the eve of her second birthday) as she sauntered on her own down the hall to her crib, she said over her shoulder in response to my asking about her sippy, “no. Finished. Cup. Sink.” Well, ok then.
In one weeks time, she’s gone from a combo of nursing & a sippy cup of organic whole milk before I carry her to bed to being done with pre-bed “mommy time”, sippies & walking herself to her crib!
If you need me, I’m in the corner with my slightly sore, very deflated (yet still rock star because hello 23 mos!) boobs. Both in awed wonder & sadness at the loss of my baby who’s suddenly a growing up toddler.
2 replies on “Final Breastfeeding Update”
“Hello *23 months*” is RIGHT!! I have to admit, I got a little teary as I read your post. 23 months is *amazing*, Suz – I can only imagine that this is a bittersweet milestone! I think it’s awesome that you gave your babies the absolute best start to life (in so many ways!). hugs 🙂
So bittersweet. It’s been a bit of an emotional week for me between them turning two & the end of nursing. Two seems so old & it’s kinda so weird for my boobs to just go back to being boobs again. 😛
Have a great weekend!