Two year ago if you’d asked if I would’ve let alone taken much less shared this photo below I would’ve been somewhat repulsed & laughed out laugh. Who takes photos of their kids’ pee?
Me! The mom who almost cried she was so happy & proud of her daughter’s first peeing on the potty, that’s who. {I’ve also taken – but not shared – multiple poop photos for doctors’ visits.}
After months of L & Z sitting on their little potties before we jump into the bath, Lucy peed {now two Monday nights ago}! She was kinda like oh what happened?! at first then she was so proud of herself as I clapped & shouted & hugged her! Zach jumped into the excitement too before I whisked their lil naked bums into the bath!

It hasn’t’ happened again since. But we haven’t been pushing potty training ~ just brought them potties in the bathroom that they’ll sit on fully dressed when I pee & then they sit naked before baths. We have potty books we now read & have watched an Elmo Potty DVD. I plan to get more into potty training this summer as they show more interest & successes.
Any potty training times two tips fellow multiples moms?!