All weekend long, my husband & I reminisced. Because the first Saturday in Oct 2011 {after I wrote about being more brave & more scared than ever before}, something{s} special happened.
Exactly 365 days ago today {around 8a actually}, I had an IUI done. It rocked our world. And it took me ten days to gather & share my thoughts on it. And then six more days before I POAS & learned that cycle 23 of our TTC struggle was a success. And I could only keep my positive pregnancy results a secret from y’all for eight days. October will always hold a sweet place in my heart.
What a difference a year makes. Today, tonight, I will hold my babies tight. My one-year-ago-self never imagined, couldn’t fathom this joy.
10 replies on “One Year Ago Today”
What a happy happy anniversary!
This makes me so happy. You have such a beautiful family!
Thank you!!
This post makes me smile 🙂
congrats momma!
What a special day to celebrate! I can’t believe it’s been a year since your IUI and your exciting news.
You got all of that right Zan! October will always be a special month for the entire family! Thank you again for sharing such internal thoughts.
Thanks Suz…for sharing your story. Just getting started with RE in a couple weeks… Stumbled on your page from another. Thank you for being brave and sharing your journey and success with IF.
IF can be so isolating. I shared so I & you & others wouldn’t feel alone. Best of luck with RE!