Babies Motherhood Toddler Life

The End of Co-sleeping?

It started due to sickness. One had a bad cold/ear infection/stomach bug/something. And to prevent the other from getting it & waking up while their sibling coughed/sneezed/vomited, we bought Zach in bed with us. And it worked. Once well, L started sleeping through the night in late November/December {after some not welcomed 10-midnight wakings led to successful modified CIO sleep training}, and Zach would wake to nurse still.

So having him co-sleeping meant just rolling over when he said ‘mommy’ & tugged up my top. As I’ve said for almost two years, we do whatever works. Whatever gets us the most sleep; letting nay-sayers be darned. So what if he wasn’t “sleep trained”? We were getting by & he was getting the extra milk I thought my lil guy might need in the middle of the night.

Well a couple weeks turned into months & months. And co-sleeping became our routine. We liked the cuddles, the convenience for dream-feeding, & being close after away from him all day. We talked about transitioning him back to a crib via baby steps into a pack-n-play in our room or the guest room so they still wouldn’t wake each other. But then we didn’t. And then L was sick again, then it was Zach’s turn, then his surgery & stomach bug.

But my turn at the stomach bug last Thursday night was kinda a line in the sand. Vomiting your brains {& dinner & lunch} out then your son wanting to nurse & sleep on your pillow was rough.

When we went to GA & Jason’s parents’ house last weekend {post to come!}, we did their bedtime routine in our shared room, then put both L & Z in side by side pack-n-plays. I’ll be honest, Jason & I went to bed just after L & Z, fully expecting to be up most of the night with Z {& maybe L too} awake due to being in strange bed. And he slept til 4 before crying & us pulling him up between us!

The following night, L & Z went down to sleep fine & both lasted til 515a when the husband’s forgotten alarm had us all awake then snuggling in the queen size bed.

With those sleeping successes, we discussed trying Z out in his bed when we returned home. But I had a work conference Sunday & Monday, & I fully did not expect changes from our routine made while I was gone.

To my shock, my Dad & husband did a modified CIO with Zach that Sunday night & within 20-30 minutes of tears & fussing that first night, Zach was asleep in his crib. And even cooler, Lucy had gone & stayed asleep while Z was carrying on! When he woke up in the middle of the night, Jason did bring him into our bed to co-sleep til morning.

Monday night, Z put himself to sleep in 5-10 minutes & lasted in his crib all night. My arrival in the mix of bedtime Tuesday meant a few tears & cuddles, but he still put himself to sleep within just a few minutes & slept through the night!

Y’all this might be a bit premature, but we’re on a streak of sleep here. For everyone! It’s wild & crazy. Who knew what 8 hours of straight sleep was like?! Not this momma for more than TWO YEARS!!!


Frozen Love

We watched Frozen this morning after I made waffles for our half-snow day, half-delayed work day. It was the kiddos first full length movie! They caught some of it in between book reading, Little People animal playing, & car riding/pushing. I really enjoyed it ~ the winter setting was perfect for our snowy morning. I loved the strength of the female characters, the silly snowman & fun reindeer & the male characters of substance. I know we’ll be watching it again.

And then I went to shower & start getting ready for work while L & Z played & laughed in their cribs. My mind started on the bond of the sisters in Frozen & how that love changes everything. And that took me to tears, because Lucy won’t get to experience that.

Most of the time, I’m 99% over the loss of baby B while living in the wild, fast paced life of working & keeping up with two toddlers. Then something as silly as sisters in a movie takes me back to the hard shock of our loss.

Now it’s more the sadness over what could have been for L & Z; what it would be like for them to have a third party in their shenanigans, another sister to fight with & love & hug. Things we & they will never know.

{Stay tuned for non-sappy snow & makeover posts this week! I promise I’m done with melancholy now that I’ve gotten that out. Also feel like I shouldn’t have to qualify my feelings, & yet I do.}

Family/Travel Toddler Life

First Football Game

Zach & Lucy experienced their first football game last Saturday. And I’m not talking about a pee-wee or HS game. We started them out right- a home NCSU game!

We enjoyed years of season tickets pre-babies but didn’t make it to a game last year. I really hoped we could make it work for a game this year.

When my dad, as a former football player, received the info on their annual Varsity Club game weekend, we jumped on it. With the help of my parents & aunt, Lucy & Zach experienced our traditional tailgate {if you sub milk for beer :)}. Friends stopped by, they saw the band perform the fight song & cheered for the players as they got off the bus. L&Z tried Bojangles chicken for the first time {big fans}, practiced saying hi & loved walking around checking it all out.

We left one ergo in the van, so Mom wore Zach while my aunt & I took turns with L inside the stadium. Seeing it all through their eyes {when they weren’t napping through the game} was so awesome. I might’ve teared up as the players came running on the field while she clapped at the fireworks. Sharing something you love & have waiting so long to experience as a parent is just the coolest thing.

Arriving at CFS, Chi O friends with our babies & baby-on-the-way, Lucy & Zach taking in the tram ride, entering the stadium excitement, crappy pic of 3 generations of TOMS wearers.

I laughed with my friend Melissa that we had a goal of making til half time with all our kids. Not sure about her, but we were back snacking in our tent in the rain of halftime & the 3rd quarter.

We decided the day had been a success & made it home in time to watch the Wolfpack lose. So L&Z might’ve not been the good luck charms the pack needed last week, but it won’t be our last game for sure!

Family/Travel Photography Toddler Life

Pumpkin Patch {take 1}

With my parents in town last weekend, we headed to a local pumpkin patch Saturday morning. We’d had fun with tiny Z & L there last year for their first pumpkin patch experience & decided to go back.

Oh how pumpkin patch photo ops are different with running toddlers vs not-yet-sitting-up infants!

Saturday L & Z were all look at the dirt! & mud! & balls {aka pumpkins!} & trucks {driving by quickly on busy road}. And yes, we brought home 3 gourds because they wouldn’t think of putting them down!!


There was lots of wrangling & smiles, but sadly, not quite the perfect family/group pictures we’d hoped for.


Since we plan to go to VA & another patch this upcoming weekend, stay tuned for take 2 next week!

Toddler Life

Weekend Park Fun

Before I had a chance to post photos of two weekends ago at the park, Zach, Lucy & I met friends there this past weekend. So this is a two-in-one post filled with lots of park fun.

Zach and Lucy Park Fun
Zach was all smiles & Lucy was trying to decide whether or not she was a fan. {she decided she wasn’t last Sunday.}
Zach and Lucy Park Fun
Swings, slides, tractor rides, playing in the mulch & taking a break in the stroller!

My aunt came with us last Sunday afternoon. The park was very busy thanks to the warm, sunny day. {I learned last weekend earlier is better. Hit it up at 9 am, you’ve got the place to yourself!}

Zach loves it- the sand, dirt, climbing, swings, cars & slides {although he was kinda being shy on Sat}. Lucy isn’t so sure about sand/mulch/slides, but she’s finally liking the swings on her own. Seeing the other kiddos having fun this past weekend made her brave enough for a bit to try some new things.

Park Play Date
Zach checkin’ out the big kid slide, Lucy crashed out on the swing, me helicopter parenting on the jungle gym, our not so great attempt at a lil kids group photo, B snuggling Z, swinging fun on their own & Z with his park bro H!

Another benefit of the park? Wearing the lil guys out! L literally fell asleep while swinging! And stayed asleep in the stroller, car seat then on me once we got home. Too funny.

Looking forward to more park play dates with friends as these occasions were too much fun to not repeat!